Systems Leader Health Equity Transformation Assessment Guidance

The Health Equity Transformation Assessment is a hospital level assessment. However, we believe it is an important tool to support leaders of health systems to assess the differential experiences and opportunities for growth at the individual hospitals. Across your system, equity, diversity and inclusion may require varying degrees of resources based on a hospital’s leadership, staff resources, geography and demographics. We know that many of you are charged with advancing equity across your entire system and want to be informed about the progress of each hospital in your system. Below are few recommendations for ways to engage the hospitals in your system:

  • Send the link to the Health Equity Roadmap to hospital leaders in your system with a message detailing how they should include you in the process.
  • Request list of all staff involved in the process and join planning meetings, whenever possible.
  • Create a system-level dashboard that includes the position on the continuum for each lever for each hospital in your system.
  • Centralize the store of resources and tool kits for your system.
  • Maintain a clear line of communication to the system CEO and board members to demonstrate movement along the transformation continuum across all the hospitals in your health system.